Wednesday, December 19, 2007
How friendships are formed
Friends and for the part real friends are hard to find. I mean they don't come easy. You don't just pick them beside the road, or in the bathroom while touching up on your make-up, or in class b/c your highlighter just ran out and the professor is giving the final's review, or in a restaurant when your friends and theirs don't show up and they or you end up sharing a table. You do get the picture where am going with this. Yet all thesituations I just mentioned could be the very beginning of lifetime friendships and/or relationships or stepping stones to better things/places in life
At some point during college I had to change from one cohort to another. The first morning of class is deeply etched in my mind. Saying I was devastated butchers how I felt. I remember calling my moms and crying on the phone minutes before I walked into class. I just wasn't ready to start all over again. I was broken that I was going to be the new girl in class and that I had to start from scratch. Funny, I should post about it b/c just on Monday night I was reminiscing about the months I've been through as this year nears its close. Anyway, I joined the new cohort and made new friends but there's always that one who you get along with better. At first it was simply about carpooling, going to the same place during lunch breaks, confirming assignments with one another. Then, before we noticed it we had moved on to inviting each other to our houses, doing dinner, meeting each other's friends and families, hanging out. When I flashback to the first morning of class with the new cohort I realize how much sans to say this friendship has grown
This morning said friend broke down and indulged me in what she went through with her family this past weekend. It's sad. She's disappointed and broken. I sat there and didn't know what was right to do or say. It was one of those situations where you're not only at a loss of words but even as your hand itches to reach out and touch to comfort it feels too heavy to lift. Or may be suddenly you feel like it wouldn't be the right thing to do. I mean you've not been in such a situation before so how can you relate? but she's your friend and you can see what the situation has done to her. I expressed my empathy to her
I don't know what am saying or where am going with this. In my heart am praying and hoping my friend finds a balance in all this. That she finds more strength and it makes her a better and wiser person. I hope she's back to her real self soon. I hope e'ryday she finds strength to feel less disappointment and the brokeneness goes away
I hope and pray despite all this she still has a merry xmas and enjoys the holidays
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
A Heart's Ache
cars safely tucked in parking spots
and garages
laughter finds its way into the empty streets
laughter from houses filled
with warmth from family and friends
in feasting
You and I torn apart by the distance
tears tease to spill from my eyes
I choke and cough to stop them
stop this feeling that consumes me and takes residence in me
I'm thinking of you
In my mind, soul, and heart
am grateful for the days and nights we've been together,
the times we've shared
cherished and savored
in this cold and sadness that now resides in me
our memories keep me warm
memories of times we've dined and wined together
of times we've hugged and kissed
of moments we've bopped our heads in rhythm to music that has grown on us
so today despite our been far far apart
I want you to know that I've never loved you more
I tap strength from this aloneness
In spirit we're together
You're sitted right here beside me
We're cuddling and smiling at the joy of being together
we're holding hands
we're hugging really tight as though our lives depended on it
we're saluting each other with a click of our wine glasses
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Of growing old...
My birthday is coming up. It's actually on Sunday. Yes, apparently I'll be 23 in four days. How cool is that? Umh I'm not sure why am growing so old so fast but still am excited :) Well may be not exactly excited(at least not about the growing old bit) but content at where I am in my life.
I didn't know what to write so I just compiled something silly (below). I'm awed at how revealing my posts have been as evidenced by the 'poem' below. You want to know one more thing about me? I'm out of school for a whole month? It's so surreal. I'm sleeping in at the slightest chance. Oh I'm so turning 23 in style. Imagine a month's break from school? What am I gonna do with myself? Ideas welcome. For the last few days I've been trying to get caught up on my reading (not school books). I'm currently reading the Kite Runner thanks to SisBigBones for recommending it :)
I thank, you, for reading my amateur poetry. Each of you has given me mojo to keep attempting to put words together. Words that you've come back over and over again and read and surprisingly commended me on. I'm humbled.
Your swinging by my blog has somewhat in a way beyond you and me contributed to my being this year and for that to, you, I'm grateful.
I know as you read this you're in stitches because this is me coming out of the closet and telling you despite my putting 2-4 words in four line paragraphs(otherwise called poems) I actually cannot write or put together a post. I shall not intricate things by divulging you on my many failed attempts at paying someone to write my term school papers. I cannot begin to put in words the joy that has transcended my existence each time I've done the reference page of any of my term papers. If written in supposedly the correct order the reference page should come last. Incessantly my self motivation or lack of thereof has led me to start my term papers backwards. Yes, I always type my reference page first. I know it's simply out of this world. As I said my many attempts at writing have undoubtedly failed but my obstinate nature won't badge. I shallow not succumb. So, laugh all you want. LOL
Happy Birthday to all ye Scorpios out there!!! Pandave hope you have recovered enough to enjoy your birthday :)
After all is said and done...My dears I give you yet another of my amateur pieces.Enjoy...
Another year has come and is almost gone
Just like the other one
Each day brings the close of this year nigh
Her mind unabashedly goes back in time
Revisiting her past
she sits alone
lets her body, soul and mind
go back, back into times gone
tears stream down her face
as a smile forces its being on her lips
lighting up her face
almost like the sun shining in the rain
bittersweet memories
flood her whole being
lost in time
she recounts each sunrise and sunset
watches herself walk down each road
good and bad
paths of peace, quiet and joy
others trod of brokenness, tears and pain
sometimes letting herself stay down
longer than she should
others picking herself up, dusting herself and moving on
all lessons learnt
no mistakes,just lessons
halting at moments of triumph and joy unspeakable
overwhelmed by times of sheer exhaustion
at times succumbing to aloneness
sometimes counting on others to pick her up
filled with unsurety
sometimes even letting her guard down
mastering the strength to reach out to others for comfort
then taking out time to recuperate
all the while leaning on God
sometimes allowing her feelings to show
often letting go, to let God
her beloveds always at heart
at times to burdened to tell the difference
reminding others to see the good in themselves
commemorating her passed on dear ones
accepting life's lemons
but still living for the moment
soldiering tough times
allowing herself to purge some things in her life
remembering to be appreciative
some days overcome by darkness
grieving her patients
being in love
Of all people missing her the most
wishing each of you(readers/bloggers/friends/everyone out there reading this or not) the very best
Saturday, October 27, 2007
15 mins to evacuate
Today I went to class and we had a stress/crisis discussion and some of my classmates who were affected shared their grief. The main thing was the minute they got the reverse 911 calls giving them anywhere from 3min to 15mins to evacuate their homes. The sheer confusion of not knowing what to take with them and what not to. They explained how in that moment their priorities in life seemed to suddenly changed. They grabbed medications, some clothings, documents and then some weird items like a metal plunger. I can't begin to fathom the confusion that would linger in such a moment you know what to take and at the same time you don't. If I was to walk in those shoes I'd grab all my important paperwork and some clothes. I know even in writing am at pains to pick so I shall digress...
I vividly remember the night I stood at the patio and watched the fire working it's way downhill towards my house, friends and family called to ensure I had my bag packed ready to voluntarily evacuate but I wasn't ready and honestly I didn't even pack. I couldn't sleep at night, I stayed up all week and at dawn I'd fall asleep and wake up at 5pm PT and the cycle was vicious. However, we made it. God is awesome.
My heart goes out to the deceased souls, the bereaved families and those directly affected, directly affected meaning those who personally lost their loved ones, homes, possessions and property. As a city, everyone in San Diego has been affected directly or/and indirectly. I'm grateful to all the emergency services and each San Diegan. In this time crisis and disaster a lot of corporation has been exhibited and we are all very appreciative to each other.
To all my family, friends, and even blogosphere friends for checking on me. Thanks for hitting the redial button when the reception was bad, for opening your homes to me and the comments and e-mails.
Please tell me had you being the one who got the reverse 911 call to evacuate in 15mins what would you have grabbed?
Friday, October 26, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Fires Update
These fires are destroying memories that will remain irreplaceable but material cannot measure up to peoples' safety. People have been urged to knock on their neighbors doors during evacuations to ensure no one is left behind. The reverse 911 calls only work for landlines and some don't have landlines in their houses so it's very considerate and thoughtful to knock on those doors and make sure we get everyone out in time. Only one person has died so far, God rest his/her soul in eternal peace. Over 300,000 people have been evacuated and so many homes have burnt down to ashes and beyond recognition. Most of the people have been evacuated or are evacuating to Qualcomm Stadium, home stadium of the San Diego Chargers.
Right now as I type this the fire is coming down the hill towards my house but still it is a safe distant away. The winds have slightly calmed down and hopefully that shouldn't work against us. They haven't issued a voluntary or mandatory evacuation for my area yet.
I'm grateful to all the firefighters/firemen, the news casters/presenters, the governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, the families that have been evacuated, Red Cross, the volunteers, National Guard, all the food places and other miscellaneous companies that have made donations to aid the evacuated families just the whole of San Diego County for the corporation and togetherness in all of this.
A lot of places are out of power and the SD county has requested we stay away from our cellphones unless very necessary b/c they're highly relying on them right now for communication and updates. All schools both private and public are closed until further notice.
Thank you to all my friends and family for the calls, text messages, FB messages and anyway you've reached me to check on me. I appreciate!!!!!!!!
Stay safe :)
Monday, October 22, 2007
Quick Fires in San Diego County due to strong winds
I've been well until the fires
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Four years on Wednesday
It's been four years
How is it that it all seems just like yesterday
so fresh in my mind
four years
yet still I turn and toss
when i wake to a dream you're in
Four years H
still I see your empty grave
four years
still I hear the dirt pouring in over
your casket
Four years
and time hasn't healed this wound
it has wounded the healing
four years
still addicted to this pain
We still can't let you go
tomorrow I'll be there in spirit
haven't I always been
I'll listen as they speak of you
you were an angel
Four years H
still I catch myself
sending up a prayer for you
four years and my eyes still tear
my heart still aches
my soul is still sorrowful
H, rest in peace
But she and I
we push them to go see him
each time we talk
I harshly inquire of their last visit
I bitterly remind them you watch down from up above
Four years and still
I hear you call my name
still hear you yell mom's name
from the gate
still you talk to me
reprimanding she and I to not go on that 'walk'
understanding only too well of the mischief
oh H
with a smile and a chuckle still you let us
Four years H
and still you talk to me
still I run into you down the street
still I can't stop crying over your demise
four years still no scar
just a wound still so fresh
not a scab over it,no
Oh, H
do you look down on us
do you still love us
do you remember each one of us
do want us to not cry
are you really in a better place
It's been a tough week for us
but since you've been gone
each day has been a rude awakening of you
gone on a no return journey
Do you rest in peace?
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
'Sympathetic' Tuesday
Saturday, September 22, 2007
the soft breeze gently blows
into me
Yesterday had been summer
today is almost fall
the sun is out
halfway visible
the other half safely hidden by the
lingering yet threatening rain clouds
My body longing
for the summer heat yet
craving and soaking up in
the moderation of a fading summer
and the beginning of winter
In this moment of reminiscence
my body celebrates the near end of a season
yet the mark of a new,embracing it
with layers of warm clothes
and an umbrella at stone throw distance
Ah, the bliss of changing seasons!
Friday, September 14, 2007
My moms
My moms
Thank you, for being my best woman,
and person on earth
I celebrate you in all ways
For your tears, I pray laughter
Hard times, I pray better days
In weakness, I pray strength
In darkness, light
Clouds, that the sun,
shines again
Thank you,
for your wise words,
Warmth in hugs,
Ear that listened, listens, will listen
Eye that sees before it is
Hands that make scrumptious food
give special touches
Voice, that prays, to lift me up
I hear your strong voice
Full of courage, assurance, wisdom
When I'm lost or torn
It directs me, mom
Reminds me of who you made me
Your wise words
That I can't wait for life to be
I have to create it
They guide me, mom
For instilling godliness in me
Thank you,
for now I seek solace
From God,
My pillar, and tower of strength
Thank you,
so close,
so one,
together in spirit
Mom, I celebrate you yesterday,today and tomorrow.
I'm more of a nester than dreamer, literally, in every way you can think it. I hardly recall what I dream. However, this morning it was different I remembered dreaming about my moms last night. The s.o. and I have this 'agreement' his mother=mum and mine=moms. I've called mine, moms, since I can remember. She's the #1 person in my life, she knows it, I say it to her over and over and some. I think I just miss here a lot...*sigh*
I wish y'all had a beautiful week and your weekend stays the same or/and better :)
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Psychiatric Tuesday
hope y'all having a beautiful week :)
Monday, September 03, 2007
Joy Unspeakable Monday
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Terrific Thursday
I went out to the sizzler last night and partook of some clam chowder soup, plain veggie salad, some ambrosia salad and a piece of water melon. Not only does it read and write like a pretty healthy dinner but it ate pretty well too. Well until I got home and say 2hrs later my stomach was in sheer turmoil. It was a long night of tossing and turning, at about 3am I was starting to dose off until my twin called me and jolted me back from the sleeping world. lol later on he sent me a text apologizing b/c I'd sounded very grumpy and cranky. but I hadn't slept all night and just when I was about to he calls and I was waking up in an hour, not exactly my idea of a terrific day lol next time i'll clobber his head, poor thing! anyway I went to work and was pathetic and ended up coming back home at 0130pm. I drank lotsa fluids to flush out my GI (gastrointestinal) system and got my fave jamba juice drink, tahiti green tea, i'm hooked on green tea, since i quit coffee, green tea is the new coffee
I've been sleeping since and just barely woke up. It's a quarter till 10pm and suffice to say I'm not a tiny bit sleepy. I need to do some online assessments and now you'd think is the perfect time to do them right? well until of course I got on the website and it's down for maintenance and it says to check back after 12:01 AM CDT friday August 31st. Perfectly honestly this is the last thing I need right now, my plate is full as it is. I NEED to do the two, 100-question assessments before Saturday 8am. This isn't an act of procrastination I just wait them out until now because it's what works best for me, for reasons you wouldn't fathom *sigh*
I'm so scared of eating b/c a sick stomach is one of the worst things. In the meantime I'll keep snacking on crackers and water. I just want it to be gone by saturday
Sunday, August 19, 2007
weekend ramblings
i like greek and seafood cuisines. i could live int the sea me.i cook well, almost like i attended culinary school in my previous life. i love God more than anyone (inlcuding my moms and s.o.) that if there was an advert for God I'd do it. i'm not a saint, just a sinner who KEEPS falling but GETTING UP. i'm very private and reserved. i don't trust easy. i've been told i've a wall around me, it's just not me to let my guard down. i'm caring, i look out for those i love and care for. heck i look out for everyone regardless of whether i relate to them in anyway. i'm a free spirit.i've passion to help. i'll give and be left without. i loathe a violation of who i am, don't cross the line and we're fine, cross it and suffice to say you're out. sometimes i'm too hard on myself, i beat up myself. excellence and great performance is my crux. to reach out to those who need me will be the death of me. i have a shoes, bags and clothes fetish. i obssess over scrubbing my face. i believed in just liking for a very long time, until i happened on the flipside. i drink a lot of water, sometimes i worry i'll get dilutional hyponatremia . i gotta have a venti green tea most mornings. running liberates me. i'm a neat freak. i have to be the most impatient person there is in the whole world over. i try to be patient really i do. i detest to be kept waiting. i'm a very time-conscious person. i keep time. i give my word and keep it and if i can't i'll let you know. i like horses. i grew up going to horse races with the paps. i believe words are very powerful, therefore i feel it is of most essence to ponder before utterance of some words. it's hard to take words back. words grow on you. words written can be erased but words uttered not same difference. my taste for music is very different. currently am hooked on a xtian radio station, klove, they say it's in all states, it's int'l too, try it if you like contemporary xtian music, very good music.i've this insatiable passion to reach out to orphans. i went to boarding school all my life. for along time in my life i only missed my moms. the person i've grown up to be reflects differently measured up against my age
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
I'm doing this b/c am bored
2. My Vehicle? is a black baby
3. My hair? is always braided
4. My father? always allowed me to do things "on second thoughts"
5. My favorite thing? solitude & silence
6. My dream last night? i don't dream
7. My favorite drink? water
8. The room I am in? my office
9. I am? week 5 into critical care nursing
10: I love? that there's only 3 more weeks of critical care left
11. What do I want to be in 10 years? a built on me,me
12. Who did I hang out with today? my jamaican gf for lunch
13. I am not_______? looking forward to pulling a 12hr tomorrow
14. What would not be in my fruit salad? oranges
15. One of my wish list items? iphone
16. Today I must________ ? go to bed early
17. The last thing I did? some bogus database project
18. What am I wearing? pin-stripped pants w/white dress shirt
19. My pet(s)? my yorkie dog, Milo
20. My computer? is the last thing I'm on ev'ryday before I sleep
21. My Shoes? highlight 3' heels
Feel free to tag yourself and do this on your blog :)
Mucho amor,
Current mood-Mellow
Currently listening to-K-Love
I'd rather be-camping
Friday, August 10, 2007
Randomness in a quiet night
across the bed
linens kicked aside
pillows scattered
my eyes open to the dark
why,no it was light just now
My body awakens to a coolness
why,it was insanely hot just now
The music pipes from a distant
the phone rings dreadfully
The cars speed up the hill
outside my window
No sleep
I gather the tall figure
some more towards the wall
oh the cool
one day it's going to be different
one day soon
it shall depart from me
or i from it
this aloneness that just almost drowns me, tonight
this boredom that near chokes me
this ache in my soul thirsts
for difference
for a new
for different
why do you sleep without me
why won't you wait for me to fall into the dream world first?
I close my eyes to the dark
when I open them
will the light be back already?
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Super Understanding
tossed and turned all night long
I cried myself to sleep
not a soul to talk to
not a heart to confide in
I walked,
lost in my thoughts
stuck in the past
trying to make something of the present
to build a future
Lost in my ways
I turned myself around
lay in the bed I made
not a wink
no sleep
yet no regrets
Because this time
I kept the lessons
held them close to me
I didn't think anyone really cared
I don't even think i wanted anyone to
but in my heart of hearts
I hoped for a true soul out there
that truly would
That soul is you,
and am graetful to God
you help me keep my faith
show me how to wait it out
You teach me how to keep hoping
never to sell-out
always to reconsider
It's your thought, that keeps me safe in the dark
your prayer, keeps me warm in the cold
your love sends me protection
and guidance from up above
because I know you murmur away a prayer to God
just for me
I try to not let go
because I know
regardless of everything
you think me, happy thoughts
hope and pray me only the best
This mystery puzzle
called me
is now almost complete
all its pieces just about
put together
I'm most thankful to God
for you
because you make me tear away at what
an awesome and amazing person you are
So if you ever loose your hope
you can have mine
if you get lost
I'll ask God to help me find you
because me and you walk the same line
I'll shine a light for you
when it's dark
I'll try my best to be there
to help you feel your way around
If that cloud too should pass
I know another will come
and still i'll stand on the other side of the shore
waiting for you
God help me
because when we meet what we are afraid of
we find out what we are made of
I've something real in you
Your words give me strength
knowing you're there
keeps me going
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
8 random things
The Rules are:-
- We have to post these rules before we give you the facts.
- Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
- People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
- At the end of your blog post, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
- Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
So here goes mine...
- I was addicted to coffee for a long time. I've been 'sober' of coffee for six months now and am still counting. It's a big achievement, if i say so myself
- I dislike driving. I'd rather catch the trolley,ride the bus, or take a cab than drive. So, that's exactly what I do, leave my car home and commute
- I hardly use the word-Hate-in regard to someone. If I said I hated someone I'd be saying I hate the God in them lol I can't explain it
- I don't lye my hair. I always braid. I'm seriously contemplating dreads in a few months. Some people relate or misjudge people with locks but sporting dreads doesn't necessarily point you out as belonging to a certain 'group' or 'cult'. I'm still trying to figure out how to convince my moms, hopefully she won't keel over and die
- I love men in uniform. Not cops though. Pilots, Paramedics, and Firemen. I've one and I love him to smitherings
- I've disliked cops since October '03. I know not all of them are trigger-happy but since I lost somone very close to one of the few who are trigger-happy it's made it harder to even want to differentiate the good from the bad. Need I say I dislike guns?
- Each time an ambulance, fire truck, and police car zoom past me, sirens going off I whisper a prayer for the person (s) they're rushing for
- The person I am today I owe to my moms. She knows, I tell her each time we talk, over and over, it doesn't get old, b/c each day I discover a new piece, a new strength that I didn't even know existed. But above all I'm graetful to God for ever making her my moms. I love her to pieces, to the very last bit.
I tag Irena, Feather, Quintessence, scotchbiscuits, Betty, Cabbie Dearest, Gish, and Three types of crazy.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Those days
then there are others I feel most unprepared
There are times when all I do is ball out my eyes
then there are others i laugh my ribs into pain
There are days when nothing seems to make sense
then others when am the one pointing out to others
how much sense everything really makes
There are days when I need not a reminder that tough times don't last
and that better days are nigh
then those that I've to be reminded, it has to be hammered into me
it has to be rubbed all over my face
I have to be made sit and reminded I know this, that I know better
that I've said it to others, that on most days it's what I walk, talk, eat
There are days when I've a clue
others am just so lost and clueless
others I just zone out
There are days when I can't wait to awake
others I want to stay under those covers
stay underneath forever
There are days I'll talk
others I'm quiet, withdrawn,behind my walls
searching, finding
There are days am upto to everything
others I just want to sit and do nothing
just look into space, get lost in my own fantasies
There are those days
then others
and until i'm jolted back to reality
It's either one
When I get on my knees
when I bow this head
When in discreet I whisper away a prayer
When I murmur to myself
God intervenes
see I can't explain how
but I do know for sure
there's power in a prayer
There's revelation when I wait on God
there's success when I involve Him in my life
there's excellence all around me
there are breakthroughs
I find answers,
to all my questions...
Have a blessed and beautiful weekend!
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Cheer me up?
Vacation? what is it? my definition is a time when I get to digress if for a moment from the-my normal routine(which is insanely overwhelming). It's the time I take off of the routine and slow down, catch a breath, look around, take in the beauty of rest and change or not. Time to re-energise and recuperate, time to reflect, time to catch up on some things that normally wouldn't make the day's agenda ( I'm a bit big on first things first). A time to reminiscence on what has been and of course a time to re-focus and make a few necessary changes. And all these I did.
But now am back in town, as I type this am not a happy camper, I'm in a crisis of a bittersweet mood. I miss my family so much, I miss the BF. Vacation was suppossed to make me happy no? and yes am happy and very graetful I got that time off and got away from all the madness in my life. However, whenever I take vacation I regress, no, not in a bad way. But, I always come back and first 2 weeks, I'm trying to fit in the routine all over again, like trying to rebuild myself, and not cry myself to sleep. I build a wall and shut others out as I give myself time to come back.
I'll come back slowly but surely. When I wake up tomorrow morning it'll be more like hitting the ground running because of all the things I have to do and stay on top of. I'll be back sooner than I know it, it'll linger at the back of my mind but soon will vamoose.
Think me happy thoughts, would you? Leave me comments and cheer me up :) Indulge me in how you feel after your vacation(s) or how you'd feel after your vacation(s)?
Mood-Bittersweet, torn between happy, aloneness, lowliness, and sadness
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Prayers, love, and friendship
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Stillness & Quiet
Oh Lord,quieten the turmoils
Give me peace,
Oh God,
release the rest
you intend for me.
Silent... oh God,
all the urges
and voices that push me...
to move on and on
without stopping,
without resting...
Still me down,
my Father,
hold me to your hands,
remove my cares, burdens, and heavy wearies...
and be there in the silence with you...
God, silent me,
still me,
slow me down,
deal with that rush...that is somehow within
this heart of mine.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Lost in this feeling
lost in this feeling of you caring with all
Lost in your concern
this feeling, concern, that so warms me up
It's this feeling at the pit of my stomach
Lost in the feeling of these thoughts
these thoughts that cheer me up
and make me smile
I'm lost in this feeling
feeling of how your understanding is super-amazing
feeling of how your reasoning is so beautiful
I'm thrown by this feeling
Lost in how a personality can be oh
so cute
Lost in this feeling of patience that makes me so happy
Lost in this feeling
that keeps me smiling
lost in how intelligent innocence
can be
I'm so lost in this feeling of
getting looked out for
this feeling of getting checked up on
lost in this oh so good feeling
I'm so lost,
so lost in this feeling
so happy to be lost
Oh so totally feeling this lost feeling
If lost feels so good is asking not to be found asking for too much?!?
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Like a woman without God
And question my gifts and experience,
Remind me, GOD- of all that I know,
And those things that I don’t know
That I Know,
Remind me, who I am, and whose I am
Even when I hide behind my piety
To avoid doing what must be done
And use You as an excuse for indecision,
For lack of action, for silencing myself.
Love me enough to lift the lid off my basket,
And order me to stop crouching in the dark.
Like a Woman without a GOD
Monday, May 28, 2007
To my sisters and our only brother
I'm happy for my two sisters and only brother
as we've grown up, we've taken care of each other
stuck up for each other
wanted only what is best for each other
I pray we'll always be a part of each other's lives,
always love each other,
because that's what siblings are
so, siblings, this is for you
There's a link between us
that will never break,
Even though it's been stretched
a time or two-or even more
we've been through
so much together;
we've got so much in common
I'll never stop caring about you,
worrying about you,
wanting only the very best for you,
that can never change.
because that's what love's all about
that's what a sister's for
Just so you know,
I carry your hearts with me(I carry them in my heart)
I'm never without them(nowhere I go am I without them)
anywhere I go you go, my beloved sisters and brother;and whatever thing
is done by only me is your doing my darlings
I fear no fate(for you my sweets,are my fate)
I want no world(for you beautifuls, are my one true world)
and it's you who are my everything
and whatever always means the most and best to me
you are
Here is the darkest secret, no soul else knows
(here is the root of all roots, song of all songs
and love of all loves called A LIFE WITH YOU,
which grows higher than the soul hopes or mind thinks)
and it's no wonder you're the stars set apart
the best, bright and shining
So you just know,
I carry your hearts(I carry them in my heart)
Saturday, May 19, 2007
ringing phone,
same difference
Earlier days,
same difference
silence speaks louder
same difference
or gone,
same difference
same difference.Not.
Solitude moments..
crowded moments...
same difference? no?
different difference.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Heaven in You
You accept and reach out to others in the same way that you accept
and understand yourself
Don't look for heaven
up there...
in the clouds,
or past the clouds,
Don't try to see it where or when
the stars shine,
don't think its gone when the moon isn't out
Look inside
Inside of you
It's when you smile
It's when you choose too see only goodness,
deal bad best you can,
love limitless,
make a difference,
It's when you live best in and for the moment
Heaven is,
when you refuse to give up
when you choose to give faith a fighting chance
when you live on hope you see it?
do you feel it?
Heaven is inside of you
Heaven is you!
Monday, May 14, 2007
Truth outted by her
I hung my head
buried it in my hands
wept afresh for you
I miss you
still love you
still catch myself hoping..dreaming you were around
and oh how much I see you each time I walk
I bump into you
just every other day
Tell you some of the things I miss..?
the colored rice..
the tusker in the stew...
the hurried dinners...
the popped in movies to keep us awake till dinner was ready
the sa(n)dak whoopings
I try to block my eyes from seeing you
my mind from hearing you
your last words to me
our last words
I miss you
I love you
I still say a prayer for you
still mention you
to those close to me
I knew when you left, I saw
but kept in denial
I asked God to let you eat
and finish your food
it tore me apart
when you were no more
It felt as though God had disowned me
as though He heard not my prayers..our prayers
I sacrified for you
I wanted you to live so so bad
I wanted to come back find you
if only I had known those
words were our last
that day our only together
return I never would have
but then again you would not have wanted that
I live on because I know
you look down on
because when I look out my window
every night I know you are the brightest star
that shines, puts a sparkle in my heart
And when the stars are not out
It puts my heart at rest to know
you are at rest with the best
you taught me so much
may be not by words
but actions, just from watching you
I live on because now I know
even those things we think sometimes
matter, don't, not at all
now I know there's more, more
to this life
I see so much of you in me
and it keeps me going
I want to be just like you
and more
you know what..
I cry today
because I know you should have
lived on
I try to find a reason
but I succumb to tears
I'm lost
can still read the placard
I can still hear the soil
I see you
Sleep in peace
Saturday, May 12, 2007
My Seven
- When I was about 10y.o my cousins, siblings and I would get hauled to grandma's. It's in the murang'a bundus, suffice to say banana plantations dominate the district(?). Grandma always cooked bananas. Now you can only eat something for so long. One day we were out playing and she calls us to come eat lunch(duh banoz). We all refused to go and instead screamt calling her "monkey" I shall not indulge you in the whipping we later faced that day.
- During the first term of my high school I was in a school in the bundus (Kangaru Girls-Embu) they spoke embian and I didn't understand jerk. I had enough of it, run away, went back home and refused to go back to that school until I got transferred to a different school.
- I'm very attached to my cellphone. I live in a city where I have no family or anyone I'd really call a friend. Everyone close to this heart of mine is out of state/city or country all together so I gotta have my cellphone. If I can't find my cellphone I freak out and panic. I hardly turn off my cellphone. I text message alot. My cellphone got a virus 3weeks ago and I haven't seen it in like 2weeks and I've been literally sitting on my hands to not pull my hair out because I cannot handle the replacement cellphone.
- I'm kinda sorta anal and spoilt. I like to do things a certain or particular way. More often than not I gotta have things my way.
- I believe in God. I wholly trust and depend on God. God is the only person I can use the word NEVER with or on b/c He is the only one person I can always count on without getting forsaken, let down or disappointed. God is the most awesome person I know. Prayer is the most powerful thing in my life.
- My boyfriend is different. I'm at pains to explain how.
- My moms is the most amazing woman and person I'm yet to meet. I call her my RIBS. She's my role model, inspiration,bestfriend #1, and soulmate. All I'm I owe to her. She's taught and instilled all the values and morals in me and I thank God for her very much. I celebrate her big this mothers' day.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
He's gone

Friday, April 27, 2007
Last night

Tuesday, April 03, 2007
A walk remembered
she says
stop I tell her
I won't
I don't think about it
until the time comes
We gather,
then disperse
We walk
our laughter fills the air
a step a head of everyone
I wonder
will i hear those laughs again
will we do this again
laughter penetrates the quiet, calm night
You're so quiet they always say
are you ok?
how are you feeling today?
my answer, always the same
just simply, ok
I get off,
look around,
a tad darker
a tad quieter
a tad more scared than I was yesterday
may be, really I should find a different way to do this
No, my alter ego argues
you've done it so many times
what makes today different
Left hand in pocket, right out
I start the stroll
at first i quicken my steps
then i think to myself
easy does it
slowing myself down
I take a deep breath
I can do this
through Christ who strengthens me
who watches over me and keeps me safe, secure
He is going to watch over me
Him who watched over me yesterday
Surely,He will watch over me, He who
has watched over me all these years
The night is asleep
the streets abandoned,
the roads empty
do i hear voices?
i turn around,
my right hand getting a tighter grip
Stay focused, I tell myself
you're almost there
my eyes dart around in the dark
I can't wait to get there
I'm almost there,
I see it around the bend,
I'm home, safe,
I kneel beside it
and thank God
He has planted guardian angels
on paths i trod
because He already knows where I shall trod today
He can stay but unless HE stay
I won't be safe, I'd rather HE stay
so goodnight my love
I've realised what I'd do without God
I'm nothing without God
Letter to L
You make me very sad. I think about you every other day. You just seem to invade my mind. Not like I ever push you away or try to not think about you. But, honestly even if i don't i'd rather not think about you yet still i'd rather. When I think about you I want to call and call I do but you've fined the art of not talking to me. I miss you. Period. I love you and there's not two ways about it. You're one of the few people in my life I'd take a bullet for.
If I didn't love you, think about you, say a prayer for you daily and want only the best for you I wouldn't have looked for you. I wouldn't have insisted and pissed them off even after they repeated over and over that you were intentionally evading me. I'm not a fool. You know I stayed behind when you showed up that morning because it tore my heart when you begged me to stay so we could talk. We made our mistakes and that's in the past. You did realize after a while what my staying behind cost me. I knew what it'd mean but still i chose to stay.
I'm not better than you. I don't have it together, I just try really hard and you know it because you remember what you told me. Not been able to talk to you anymore breaks my heart. I want us to just be family. You're a part of me so it's hard for me to not think about you, to not call and leave you a voicemail once in a while. I don't want ever to live with guilt. I know you know I care and love you.
When I asked you about her (that last night we talked) it's because you made me a promise, that night remember? that you'd return that call. In my heart I knew if you didn't do it with me it was not going to get done. Yet, I didn't want to make you do it with me because then it'd seem as though I was calling the shots and plus of course I didn't want to be there during the convo.
My eyes tear as I write this because I know he was your hero and I know I'd be worse if mine went away too okie? I don't fully understand my dear but look at me am trying. I'm here for you. I worry about you. You can't let it all go down the drain because he's gone. What if he's looking down and feeling disappointed? don't you want to try and do him proud? I want you to try so bad. If it means me coming back I'll but I won't ever let you go, no. I wouldn't live with myself if I did, i already can't.
I'm sorry she did what she did. You can't do anything to change that but do something to best yourself. I don't want to have to find out from someone else how you're or how you're doing because I know it kills you. You're driving me insane, I've very little sanity left I want it to work out for each one of us and you know I always insist on none of us getting left behind and now you're going to take that away? steal from yourself? from us? what can i do? what can i say? what will it take?
I worry about you because I know deep down this is not you. Turn yourself around. I'm drained, I can't talk to him because he is sick of me pushing him to try one more time and I can't talk to baby also because he doesn't really fully understand. I refuse to give up on you, so you best not give up on yourself because it's going to kill me. I'd want to believe you'd not give up on me. I know you, you'd put up a fight for me so am not frigging letting go, if it kills me let it
all my love,