Tuesday, November 28, 2006
I say a prayer
I said a prayer,
on sunday,
prayed you'd help me get over it
prayed you'd let me give up the denial
prayed you'd take away this pain
I sent up my petition,
sent it up to God in prayer
begged Him to accept my ammend
to forgive my confession and repentance
I said a prayer last night
begging you to help me stop doing it
I said it again this morning
in dire need of your intervention, Lord
I am sending a prayer to you God
praying you help me let it go
let you be in charge
I am sending a prayer up
to you God
praying you take charge
praying you grant me peace
I am sending a prayer up
my eyes lifted to the heavens
blinded by tears
in need of strength
in need of patience
I send a prayer up,
to you Dear God
to remember orphans, widows
and widowers
I am sending a prayer up
to one who hasn't a prayer trash can
for peace in the world
for power of love
and not
love of power
I send a prayer up
up for those who ail
those in pain,
the sick,
that Lord you make them whole
that by Thy stripes they be healed
I am sending a prayer up,
up for broken families
and whole families
that only you,God, be the head of each family
I send a prayer up
send it up to the Lord
for peace and strength to the bereaved
I am sending a prayer up
up to you Lord
for the deceased souls to rest in peace
I send a prayer up
up to my father in heaven
for each child
for each one of them is His
I am sending a prayer up
up to my provider
for everyone, every single soul in the world
that God remember each one of us
I send a prayer up
up on behalf of the needy
that Dear God only you meet our needs
I am sending a prayer up
lifting my prayer up to the Lord in meekness
for any prayer I have forgotten
that you remember it and fulfil it
I send a prayer up
my hands lifted up to worship God
my knees bent at God's feet
my head bowed
my eyes closed
i send a prayer of gratitude
a prayer of thanks,
for each prayer answered
and even unanswered
I send a prayer up
that above all
only your will oh Lord be done
because in humility i realise only then
is the best in me and everyone brought out
on sunday,
prayed you'd help me get over it
prayed you'd let me give up the denial
prayed you'd take away this pain
I sent up my petition,
sent it up to God in prayer
begged Him to accept my ammend
to forgive my confession and repentance
I said a prayer last night
begging you to help me stop doing it
I said it again this morning
in dire need of your intervention, Lord
I am sending a prayer to you God
praying you help me let it go
let you be in charge
I am sending a prayer up
to you God
praying you take charge
praying you grant me peace
I am sending a prayer up
my eyes lifted to the heavens
blinded by tears
in need of strength
in need of patience
I send a prayer up,
to you Dear God
to remember orphans, widows
and widowers
I am sending a prayer up
to one who hasn't a prayer trash can
for peace in the world
for power of love
and not
love of power
I send a prayer up
up for those who ail
those in pain,
the sick,
that Lord you make them whole
that by Thy stripes they be healed
I am sending a prayer up,
up for broken families
and whole families
that only you,God, be the head of each family
I send a prayer up
send it up to the Lord
for peace and strength to the bereaved
I am sending a prayer up
up to you Lord
for the deceased souls to rest in peace
I send a prayer up
up to my father in heaven
for each child
for each one of them is His
I am sending a prayer up
up to my provider
for everyone, every single soul in the world
that God remember each one of us
I send a prayer up
up on behalf of the needy
that Dear God only you meet our needs
I am sending a prayer up
lifting my prayer up to the Lord in meekness
for any prayer I have forgotten
that you remember it and fulfil it
I send a prayer up
my hands lifted up to worship God
my knees bent at God's feet
my head bowed
my eyes closed
i send a prayer of gratitude
a prayer of thanks,
for each prayer answered
and even unanswered
I send a prayer up
that above all
only your will oh Lord be done
because in humility i realise only then
is the best in me and everyone brought out
Troubled tuesday
I don't care,
no, not like i used to
not as deep as i did
I hurt,
very deep
My heart cannot be broken
yet the pain of the brokeness
the torment just as bad
I'm sad,
a bit sadder everyday
a little less sadder
It's senseless
it makes no sense
It does not add up
One more thing in me
shut off
where joy once lurked
looms suppressed tears
suppressed groans
suppressed sadness
anger at self
Let me be
angry if only for today
Let me cry
just one more time tonight
Let me feel lost
one last time
Let me close my eyes
torment myself one more time with
what's locked in
Let me lose myself
one more time to the memories
in the mind
Let me get schooled again
one more time hoping to keep the lesson
Let me sulk,
let me cry,
let me feel sad,
let me be whatever emotion i want be,
before i let it all go
Let me re-live
all the good moments
and times
Let me re-visit
all the fights
and sorrows, pain
that came with it
Let me lose myself
in it
With a hope to be well again
no, not like i used to
not as deep as i did
I hurt,
very deep
My heart cannot be broken
yet the pain of the brokeness
the torment just as bad
I'm sad,
a bit sadder everyday
a little less sadder
It's senseless
it makes no sense
It does not add up
One more thing in me
shut off
where joy once lurked
looms suppressed tears
suppressed groans
suppressed sadness
anger at self
Let me be
angry if only for today
Let me cry
just one more time tonight
Let me feel lost
one last time
Let me close my eyes
torment myself one more time with
what's locked in
Let me lose myself
one more time to the memories
in the mind
Let me get schooled again
one more time hoping to keep the lesson
Let me sulk,
let me cry,
let me feel sad,
let me be whatever emotion i want be,
before i let it all go
Let me re-live
all the good moments
and times
Let me re-visit
all the fights
and sorrows, pain
that came with it
Let me lose myself
in it
With a hope to be well again
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
I had a bummer weekend. Cried myself out all saturday day and night. I was so sad. I was thrown off. I was devastated to say the very least. I called my pops. He talked me out of the dumps. I also talked to my moms who consoled me. Sunday I woke up to a lazy, unplanned day. See I am so bad at this. I am just not used to having so much time on my hands. What to do? What not to do? Where to start? My family called again to check on me. Ahh for sure I have the greatest family. I wouldn't trade them for anything. I love them more than life itself.
I spoke to BFF1 and he helped me see it in a different light. I spoke to BFF later that evening and he also helped me look at both the upside and downside. With God, my fam and my 2 BFFs put me on an Island lol
Thursday night I went out with 2 friends to the most amazing sushi place. Mmh.Mmh. I could live on Sushi. Sushi gift cards anyone?
I have been craving to read a good book for a long time now. Sunday afternoon I made a trip to Barnes & Noble got myself Jennifer Weiner's-Goodnight Nobody- My other twin got me John Mayered so I also did swing by Best Buy for John Mayer's cd-Continum- I am loving both the book and cd so far.
Thanks to God for the strength, my fam, BFF, BFF1 and R for the encouragement
On a different note: Latest quote learnt and stolen from my other twin- "Everything will be fine in the end. If it is not fine then it's not the end"
Current Mood: Content. Appreciative.
Song currently playing in my mind: Can't be without you baby
I spoke to BFF1 and he helped me see it in a different light. I spoke to BFF later that evening and he also helped me look at both the upside and downside. With God, my fam and my 2 BFFs put me on an Island lol
Thursday night I went out with 2 friends to the most amazing sushi place. Mmh.Mmh. I could live on Sushi. Sushi gift cards anyone?
I have been craving to read a good book for a long time now. Sunday afternoon I made a trip to Barnes & Noble got myself Jennifer Weiner's-Goodnight Nobody- My other twin got me John Mayered so I also did swing by Best Buy for John Mayer's cd-Continum- I am loving both the book and cd so far.
Thanks to God for the strength, my fam, BFF, BFF1 and R for the encouragement
On a different note: Latest quote learnt and stolen from my other twin- "Everything will be fine in the end. If it is not fine then it's not the end"
Current Mood: Content. Appreciative.
Song currently playing in my mind: Can't be without you baby
Monday, November 13, 2006
A beautiful birthday
I had a Beautiful Birthday! My pops and moms called and that totally made my day, cloud nine had nothing on me. My BFF called at midnight on Friday to say happy birthday, aww. Trust me he's a sleepy head so that was the crux. I got calls and text messages from friends. Now I am overly simple and don't care for presents or cards on my birthday. All I care is for my family and friends to remember and call or text. Simplicity does it. Simple ways make the greatest impact in my life.
I'm graetful to God for getting me by a whole year and to the start of a new one. I praise and worship Him for His renewed mercies, sufficient grace and steadfast love in my life. I thank and bless Him for my family and friends. My heart's desire is to become better person in all areas of my life with each new day. To live by example.
I went out to dinner and the movies saturday night. Watched -Good Year- not all props but a good movie to watch all the same. This was random b/c all I'd planned on was sleeping. I was in a bad mood when i first woke up. But later on i cheered up, thanks to the BFF :) I got home at about 10pm and put in an early night.
Sunday night my friend had a birthday dinner for me at her place. It was awesome. The thoughfulness. The love. The beautiful presents and touching messages on those cards.Ahh.I appreciated it all. It blew me away. I love your kindness and big-heartedness. My cake was utterly beautiful. The presents and cards brilliant! I had a great time!
Let's all have a beautiful week!!!
I'm graetful to God for getting me by a whole year and to the start of a new one. I praise and worship Him for His renewed mercies, sufficient grace and steadfast love in my life. I thank and bless Him for my family and friends. My heart's desire is to become better person in all areas of my life with each new day. To live by example.
I went out to dinner and the movies saturday night. Watched -Good Year- not all props but a good movie to watch all the same. This was random b/c all I'd planned on was sleeping. I was in a bad mood when i first woke up. But later on i cheered up, thanks to the BFF :) I got home at about 10pm and put in an early night.
Sunday night my friend had a birthday dinner for me at her place. It was awesome. The thoughfulness. The love. The beautiful presents and touching messages on those cards.Ahh.I appreciated it all. It blew me away. I love your kindness and big-heartedness. My cake was utterly beautiful. The presents and cards brilliant! I had a great time!
Let's all have a beautiful week!!!
Monday, November 06, 2006
A few of the things that make me tick

- My family
- My close of friends
- My bestfriend
- The power of prayer
- The assurance that God is real and will always be there
- Typing up the reference page of the many school papers i am always doing.ugh.
- Being content
- Tall drinks
- Good food
- Good clothes
- Good shoes
- Pretty purses and bags
- Quality time spent alone. My moments of solitude.
- Talking to him
- Long peaceful walks
- Doing 'write-ups' on my diary
- My yoda
- Helping others. A candle lighting another candle loses nothing.
- Checking the last thing on my to-do-list
- The depth of poems
- How i relate to some songs
- Good music
- Reading a good book
- Clean laundry
- Sweet dreams
- The magnitude and impact of the small things in life
- Simplicity
- Pure, real love
- A good laugh. Giggles.
- Him
- The power of prayer
- Having a good time
- Watching stars on a dark, silent night
- Getting driven around. I love how fast the road moves below. How the other cars pass almost unnoticably. The silence. The lights.
- E-mails and calls from old friends
- Silence
- A good night's sleep
- How he and I connect
My birthday is fast-approaching. This coming saturday i turn 22y.o. Darn it! I'm growing old LOL. I have no plans. I am looking forward to spending some good time alone. I'd love to have my cellphone off on that day but i can't b/c my wonderful moms, my family, Him(because he'll want to bug and drive me crazy all day), and my friends will be calling hopefully. I don't want surprises. I dislike those.I'd love to sleep all day. I'll let you know how it goes...
Have a beautiful week everyone!
Friday, November 03, 2006
Crying on the outside

So much is going on with me right now. I'm sad. I have tears in my eyes. What's happening to me??? I am all not for promises. But I made one to me anyway. Promised myself that i wouldn't cry on the outside anymore. Today I do though. I don't like this feeling. Lost. Confused. Sick and tired of everything. I love simplicity. Yet in my own ways am complex. I stay out of people's way. I keep to myself. I dislike feeling like am in the way. Yet now i can't shake off the very feeling. I dislike feeling torn apart. Yet that's what i slept last night.
I'm very big in trust. It takes forever for me to trust anyone. I hardly let my guard down. I don't open up. But when I do i treasure and love you and our friendship. It kills me to know i trust someone yet they don't trust me. It breaks me because what good is it then. I try so hard to not hurt others. So I fight hard to not indulge in anything that could lead that way.
Today. I am broken. I am not at peace. I'm down. A tad lost and confused. I wrote the poem below a while back and that is exactly how i feel today...
I feel empty,
Just a bit,
here and there
but I smile
I'm lost
in my thoughts
and ways
but I laugh
I never communicate
not once
but I talk
I hope to learn how to
I don't let anyone in
but I listen
I hear
I'm seeking a way
I hope to find
only me knows, very soon
I have tears in this eyes
just for now
but weep I won't
In this my silence
the absurdity of conversation
is too darn apparent
But then again you see
nothing or
no one
lasts forever
A piece is gone
this puzzle undone
I say a prayer in the secrecy
of this my heart
then it's not so bad
not so bad
I close my eyes
to this darkness
lie here in search of sleep
oh if only just to dream
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
I'm sitted at work. Bored to oblivion. I have this huge project sitting on my desk but for some reason i won't do it. I'd rather gaze, zone or whatever you might call it. Today is just one of those days. Those that i'd rather do nothing but sit and lose myself in my thoughts, memories and recuperate.
I love to read, anything but school books,politics and history. Anything i lay my hands on i peruse and bury myself in. I love reading blogs, actually i enjoy it. I'm addicted to post a secret may be because i'm entirely made up of those, every teensy bit of me.
I love to read, anything but school books,politics and history. Anything i lay my hands on i peruse and bury myself in. I love reading blogs, actually i enjoy it. I'm addicted to post a secret may be because i'm entirely made up of those, every teensy bit of me.
I want to say alot of things but i don't know how or where to start
So I'll say a few...
- For a long time i was sure i didn't want to get married
- Lately I do but most often than not i'm sure i can't handle it
- I'm very liberal
- Most times i'm not ready to compromise who i am or what i believe
- I'm used to doing things my way without anyone elses' opnion because i don't trust easy
- I believe in God and try to live for Him and by the standards. Nope am no saint.
- There's so much going on with me right now. I'm trying hard to not say it but i keep seeing and hearing it in my thoughts, actions and words
- I love silence
- I live, eat and walk solitude
- A few months ago i thought i was an almost complete puzzle but each day i realise some pieces are still undone...
- It's sad how you can want something for so long then when you have it doesn't mean the same
- I miss those days
- This week memories keep flooding my mind, each minute of everyday i remember something from the past
- I can't explain why i have tears in my eyes
- It's this consuming feeling in my gut
Monday, October 09, 2006
I went to mass AGAIN! Ahem. I realised i have forgotten the Apostles' Creed. Wait what? did i ever really know it?? matter-of-factly if just for a sec i did way back then. Mass was on divorce and since i know you can't wait to ask,yes i missed the sermon AGAIN. This is getting serious, i go to mass with intention to follow thru and actually i do but the sermon i miss? whats up with that?? Next sunday, i will try again. Yes, i'll go again and again, soon it will be story of my life.
My weekend was sad. I moved out of my old house. Yikes! It was getting irritable by the day living with a yelling landlady. I know i am weird. What everyone else seems to like and think appropriate isn't what i seem to like. If i don't dig a setting, i don't and no matter what i won't so just let me be. I'm a loner. I like who i am. I don't like been around people. It don't matter if they are friends or not. I easily get bored. Easily as in snap fingers easily. I'm moody. Red robot or no red robot. I have been working on that and boy have i come a long way. Thanks dad for always inquiring. Asking if i stopped and letting me know not everyone if anyone will understand me.
I moved out b/c my landlady kept picking fights with me for not talking. According to her i came home and went straight into my room and guess what? she was so damn right. I love my space. I love my privacy. I love my solitude. Suffice, to say i love my own company. Now you wonder if i do get lonely? sure as hell i do. But i don't obssess over it. I get spells of it. It comes and goes. I have learned to deal it. I can handle it b/c i'm a big girl. I love where i moved to so far. It's a temp place. I hope it works out. Each time i move houses it makes me sad. It makes me feel like i am starting all over again. For most people moving is fun besides the packing and unpacking part of it. But, for me its a pain. Don't get me wrong am all for change just not the change that comes with my moving.The only upside about this move was that i finally found my lost-since-January turqoise ring. Woot! I got it when i turned 21. The move's downside was that i trashed so much stuff. Clothes and shoes and so much more. How very sad :(
It's another Monday. Days are flying...
I miss my family. I lost my uncle. Death is sad. It tears me apart. When i close my eyes i remember him very well. I can hear him talk. I can see him. I haven't prayed about it yet b/c i know when i do i'll break down. I'm zoning and been zombie about it for now. In my heart of hearts I pray God rest his soul in eternal peace. It's just so sad...Sunday was also my late cousin's memorial service. I hope you are at peace, Herbert. I miss you. Why couldn't we all just die on the same day so there would be no one left behind in pain and feeling lost?
R.I.P Uncle Joe
My weekend was sad. I moved out of my old house. Yikes! It was getting irritable by the day living with a yelling landlady. I know i am weird. What everyone else seems to like and think appropriate isn't what i seem to like. If i don't dig a setting, i don't and no matter what i won't so just let me be. I'm a loner. I like who i am. I don't like been around people. It don't matter if they are friends or not. I easily get bored. Easily as in snap fingers easily. I'm moody. Red robot or no red robot. I have been working on that and boy have i come a long way. Thanks dad for always inquiring. Asking if i stopped and letting me know not everyone if anyone will understand me.
I moved out b/c my landlady kept picking fights with me for not talking. According to her i came home and went straight into my room and guess what? she was so damn right. I love my space. I love my privacy. I love my solitude. Suffice, to say i love my own company. Now you wonder if i do get lonely? sure as hell i do. But i don't obssess over it. I get spells of it. It comes and goes. I have learned to deal it. I can handle it b/c i'm a big girl. I love where i moved to so far. It's a temp place. I hope it works out. Each time i move houses it makes me sad. It makes me feel like i am starting all over again. For most people moving is fun besides the packing and unpacking part of it. But, for me its a pain. Don't get me wrong am all for change just not the change that comes with my moving.The only upside about this move was that i finally found my lost-since-January turqoise ring. Woot! I got it when i turned 21. The move's downside was that i trashed so much stuff. Clothes and shoes and so much more. How very sad :(
It's another Monday. Days are flying...
I miss my family. I lost my uncle. Death is sad. It tears me apart. When i close my eyes i remember him very well. I can hear him talk. I can see him. I haven't prayed about it yet b/c i know when i do i'll break down. I'm zoning and been zombie about it for now. In my heart of hearts I pray God rest his soul in eternal peace. It's just so sad...Sunday was also my late cousin's memorial service. I hope you are at peace, Herbert. I miss you. Why couldn't we all just die on the same day so there would be no one left behind in pain and feeling lost?
R.I.P Uncle Joe
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
The 'glamour' of smoking

In high school most of the girls i hang with smoked. I had the urge but coffee breath is bad enough for me so toping it off with a cig, i wasn't gonna do that. There's so much associated with smoking like the way some women smoke to keep off the weight.
I used to get irritated a while back. I'd be doing my own thing when from nowhere someone would walk up to me and ask to buy one of my cigs or borrow my lighter. I used to get double PISSED!!! Why you ask? because i didn't smoke. But just from the blues they'd ask, not because they saw me smoke,NO! Someone would just eye-ball me or whatever, label me a smoker and procced to ask to buy a cig or borrow my lighter. And why for crying out loud sakes' do people ask to buy someone elses' cigs??? I know some people sell theirs alright but let the habit stop already. But the urge/thirst of seeing someone else smoke and you don't have your own will totally get you borrowing imtellnya .
I had dreamt and fantasized about smoking so much that one night while out when a friend offered me a cig, w/out a second thought i went for it. The most interesting thing is i could not convince my friend i had never smoked before because said friend thought i did it as a pro. I didn't even cough. I smoked away like it was the one thing i had perfected all along in my life. In less than an hour, i had smoked 5 cigs. I caught myself just in time. That was the discovery of yet another of my downfalls. Fortunately, i turned myself around and put a stop to it the same night. The next morning i hated myself, from how i smelled to my breath, ugh, i could very much have gagged from it and my throat felt so jerked up.
Now it breaks my heart to see someone smoke. Blame it on my nursing proffession in progress. Coincidentally, right now i am studying respiratory diseases and the no.1 killer is COPD(Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease). I don't hate smokers, have nothing against them.Can't cast stones because i darn been down that road. All i know is smoking is a bad habit that kills.Worse still is that second hand smoking is just as bad as first hand.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Another Week
I'm one big mess today. A sleepy mess. Yestenight one of my classmates asked me if i ever suffer from sleep deprivation. I said yes(partially). I don't sleep more than 4hours most nights and i know that's wrong. Now, that don't mean i'm always walking around like a zombie just because i didn't get enough sleep,no. If anything i hardly notice it until it comes crashing then i gotta take a power nap or get a caffeine fix, double shot, extra hot. Yes, I'm a coffee addict. I would quit but that's no an option from my part of the world.I take lots of power naps on the bus though lol You'd think i'd read more on the bus but W.T.H?! me i black out sometimes. I can't even start to tell how many times i've missed my stop or how many times i've kept sleeping and the bus has gotten to the last stop aka bus terminal and a kind passenger has shook me awake ROFTLOL. I digress...
The weekend was ok. Got some reading done. Someone help, i'm getting hooked on the library. Suffice to say, if you know me, i loathe the library. I dislike the whole act of that serious library face-mask people wear,argh! I loathe that feeling that comes with been in the library.I agree we all have our own ways to study but me when someone walks in, that's not disturbance, i look right up and if i know them i might just wave a hello, what? but you trust me i never know anyone in the library ha! I check my e-mail in the library, i myspace in the library, i bankonline in the library, i do anything and everything in that oh suppossedly house of silent studying hahaha, i'm goofy like that. But seriously it's kinda erie to just hang around all those books and all that knowledge don't you think?
It's another week already! Time is leaving me behind another week has past and still i haven't caught up yet...These days are just slipping from underneath me but woohoo that's how fast school is moving too so you bet no complains :) *woot* *woot*
Monday was just monday you know how it is, bluuuueee. On my way to class. I was sitted there waiting on my bus, talking on my cellphone. Not a care in the world, laughing away with the person on the other end unaware of anyone or anything in my surrounding. Sitted there my legs at per with my body(i love doing this) he appeared from nowhere, just like that, right infront of me. Was i dreaming? NO. Was I shocked? NO. I knew one day our paths would cross again, if just for one last time and they did yesterday. In retrospect, to those days is there anything to say? none i can think of...
I have so much to do this week, wish me well.
The weekend was ok. Got some reading done. Someone help, i'm getting hooked on the library. Suffice to say, if you know me, i loathe the library. I dislike the whole act of that serious library face-mask people wear,argh! I loathe that feeling that comes with been in the library.I agree we all have our own ways to study but me when someone walks in, that's not disturbance, i look right up and if i know them i might just wave a hello, what? but you trust me i never know anyone in the library ha! I check my e-mail in the library, i myspace in the library, i bankonline in the library, i do anything and everything in that oh suppossedly house of silent studying hahaha, i'm goofy like that. But seriously it's kinda erie to just hang around all those books and all that knowledge don't you think?
It's another week already! Time is leaving me behind another week has past and still i haven't caught up yet...These days are just slipping from underneath me but woohoo that's how fast school is moving too so you bet no complains :) *woot* *woot*
Monday was just monday you know how it is, bluuuueee. On my way to class. I was sitted there waiting on my bus, talking on my cellphone. Not a care in the world, laughing away with the person on the other end unaware of anyone or anything in my surrounding. Sitted there my legs at per with my body(i love doing this) he appeared from nowhere, just like that, right infront of me. Was i dreaming? NO. Was I shocked? NO. I knew one day our paths would cross again, if just for one last time and they did yesterday. In retrospect, to those days is there anything to say? none i can think of...
I have so much to do this week, wish me well.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Lost and confused
My body aches,
My brain is fried
My eyes hurt from long days
And no sleep
My hands are numb
My legs won’t move
My lips are dry
I’m thirsty
I’m hungry
For everything
My face is says nothing of it
Robbed of all its expressions
My heart bleeds
Little pieces shuttered
within my soul
My inner peace is gone
My hope lingers
My faith hangs on
I’m out of words to express my need
I’m out of tears to show my sorrow
My hands fold back
Tired and ashamed of stretching to receive from others
My lips are dry from asking,
Explaining my situation
Why I need help one more time
My nights are short
and full of agony
My thoughts are cramped up in my small head
Full of ideas gone sour
When oh God
Shall my sun go down no more?
When will my sky
be full of stars again?
when will the sun
shine my mornings again?
When oh when shall my sorrow depart?
When whilst my heart cry no more?
My brain is fried
My eyes hurt from long days
And no sleep
My hands are numb
My legs won’t move
My lips are dry
I’m thirsty
I’m hungry
For everything
My face is says nothing of it
Robbed of all its expressions
My heart bleeds
Little pieces shuttered
within my soul
My inner peace is gone
My hope lingers
My faith hangs on
I’m out of words to express my need
I’m out of tears to show my sorrow
My hands fold back
Tired and ashamed of stretching to receive from others
My lips are dry from asking,
Explaining my situation
Why I need help one more time
My nights are short
and full of agony
My thoughts are cramped up in my small head
Full of ideas gone sour
When oh God
Shall my sun go down no more?
When will my sky
be full of stars again?
when will the sun
shine my mornings again?
When oh when shall my sorrow depart?
When whilst my heart cry no more?
Monday, September 25, 2006
Mass Sunday
O.H.I.M.A Oh hell it's monday again :(
On saturday night on my way home from i know where, K gave me a ride home. Now i fret when am walking home late at night and a car pulls up infront of me. Especially when it's a car i don't recognise. So anyway, this car pulls ahead of me and stops. I keep walking on the side then as i pass it from a distance, the driver rolls down the window and it's this chic. I look at her in the semi-dark and she looks just a tad familiar. In my mind am trying to place where i've seen her. Suddenly she offers an intro and i remember where we've met. She offers to drop me home. We chat on the way to my house and do some bonding. We get to my house and we say the night niceties as she drops me off.
For some reason i couldn't sleep well on Saturday. I woke up at 4am. Darn it sleep, when i don't have anywhere to go i can't sleep wait until i have to get my ass up for work then i really want to sleep. WTH? is my system that jerked up or confused???
Anyway at 930am I went to a padres game b/c D used to play before he hurt his shoulder. He now trains some high school kids and i went to see them for whatever type of support you would call that lol. I left at 11am and went for the 12:30pm catholic mass. I wasn't raised catholic and i haven't had a desire to attend mass and the only one time i did it was for pure bliss. Long story short i did go for mass yesterday b/c i got an invite from my friend L. I walk in i totally forget there's holy water by the door, so i paused,deeped my hand and did the cross, then knelt towards the alter before i sat down. As I learnt later on L took me to the oldies mass. Now don't get me wrong church is church because it's what i make it but at least i like it when i get to sing. They had a lady who sang and the congregation did was repeat the chorus. Then for whatever reason i missed the sermon, i could have bet $1000 there wasn't a sermon until my friend said if i could that meant i'd slept thru the service which of course I hadn't. I think it's only because am used to one way of doing things and that was all so new to me.
Can you keep a secret? after the service i was browsing the church paper program they gave us on our way out. I wasn't browsing it just to look interested,no. I was browsing to find the hours for the confession box. I have this deep urge that i'd love to go into a confession box. Call me psycho...
I went back home slept until 5pm then went out to dinner w/ D because it was his birthday on Friday. It was D, K and I then later on D-boy and L joined us. We had a great time. Full of laughs, giggles, cheap thrills and utter amusement.By the time i got home i was so pooped i just wanted to sleep. And sleep well i did.
On saturday night on my way home from i know where, K gave me a ride home. Now i fret when am walking home late at night and a car pulls up infront of me. Especially when it's a car i don't recognise. So anyway, this car pulls ahead of me and stops. I keep walking on the side then as i pass it from a distance, the driver rolls down the window and it's this chic. I look at her in the semi-dark and she looks just a tad familiar. In my mind am trying to place where i've seen her. Suddenly she offers an intro and i remember where we've met. She offers to drop me home. We chat on the way to my house and do some bonding. We get to my house and we say the night niceties as she drops me off.
For some reason i couldn't sleep well on Saturday. I woke up at 4am. Darn it sleep, when i don't have anywhere to go i can't sleep wait until i have to get my ass up for work then i really want to sleep. WTH? is my system that jerked up or confused???
Anyway at 930am I went to a padres game b/c D used to play before he hurt his shoulder. He now trains some high school kids and i went to see them for whatever type of support you would call that lol. I left at 11am and went for the 12:30pm catholic mass. I wasn't raised catholic and i haven't had a desire to attend mass and the only one time i did it was for pure bliss. Long story short i did go for mass yesterday b/c i got an invite from my friend L. I walk in i totally forget there's holy water by the door, so i paused,deeped my hand and did the cross, then knelt towards the alter before i sat down. As I learnt later on L took me to the oldies mass. Now don't get me wrong church is church because it's what i make it but at least i like it when i get to sing. They had a lady who sang and the congregation did was repeat the chorus. Then for whatever reason i missed the sermon, i could have bet $1000 there wasn't a sermon until my friend said if i could that meant i'd slept thru the service which of course I hadn't. I think it's only because am used to one way of doing things and that was all so new to me.
Can you keep a secret? after the service i was browsing the church paper program they gave us on our way out. I wasn't browsing it just to look interested,no. I was browsing to find the hours for the confession box. I have this deep urge that i'd love to go into a confession box. Call me psycho...
I went back home slept until 5pm then went out to dinner w/ D because it was his birthday on Friday. It was D, K and I then later on D-boy and L joined us. We had a great time. Full of laughs, giggles, cheap thrills and utter amusement.By the time i got home i was so pooped i just wanted to sleep. And sleep well i did.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Friday Enroute Saturday
- It's that time of the month again, get yer mind off the gutter, not that one haha, at least not yet, oh well...
- the spell is on
- i'm so effing homesick
- i cried myself home last night. Each footstep of my 3mile walk there was full of tears
- sometimes i just let it all go, let it all out
- cry just a tad bit to cleanse my soul
- so that tomorrow when i need just a tad bit more of energy i can reach deep enough
- and find something to fall back on
- my inner strength
- it keeps me going
- i dislike my homesick spells
- they linger a while, make me miserable then just
- as they came, leave almost unnoticably
- sadly i always know they came
- they don't kill me, they make me stronger
- fridays' are my worst days, at least not as bad as mondays, dude not even close lol
- but for whatever reason, fridays are the days i feel most alone
- not lonely, nah-ah haha alone
- still i live on...
- somehow a day at a time. Try to project less and write my gratitude list more
- i'm so depressed right now...
- where does depression hurt? here, there, er..everywhere
- who does depression hurt? everyone
Current Mood: Graetful
Song playing currently in my mind:Who Knew-Pink
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Not a pretty day
- Some days like today i feel like there's nothing pretty about my life
- Fall is knocking and with each day now comes a tad more chilliness
- I dislike it when it's cold, because i get cold and end-up sick
- I'm a sickling by nature
- I'm the type that caught every illness as a kid
- And no, it's nothing to do with low immmunity
- I just get sinus, my chest congests, I wheeze and get a runny nose suffice to say the list is endless :(
- I tried to get some green tea but today's was way bitter.
- I tried to force it down my throat but thought i might end up gagging and stopped.
- I'm trying to cut back on my coffee intake.
- I'm a coffee addict.
- I love, love cofee and i do it with extra shots, that makes it even worse b/c i'm wired all day.
- I'm insomniac, it takes forever to relax my system and coax it to go to sleep.
- I don't feel like talking to anyone today
- I just have nothing to say to the world
- It wouldn't understand anyway...
Current Mood:Stretchy
Song currently playing in my mind:Don't forget to remember me-Carrie Underwood
Monday, September 18, 2006
Married Men
Yesterday was a good day because I slept in for a few hours. I woke up at 9-ish am and left the house for the library to get some schoolwork done. I needed to use the school computer now that my landlady won't let me use hers. Like I care. I was in the library until 5pm, technically they kicked me out because 5pm is when they close. At least I got some work done.
I have every number in my cellphone assigned to a group. Each group has a different ringtone. This helps me know who's calling without even looking. Now I am on the bus-stop waiting on the bus as i talk to my friend on the cellphone. Suddenly my phone makes this beeping sound to indicate an incoming call. It's, B, we haven't spoke since June, so why now? Of course I reject but he calls right back, i reject but he keeps calling back again and again w/o leaving a voicemail. Finally I get irritated and answer. He wants to meet-up show me a car he's selling. I'm not looking into buying a car anymore but common courtesy is good. I agree to meet him up and see it. God knows I don't have the money so this is just for the thrills. I meet him up like an hour later and the ride is the shit and then some. It's even black, just what i like. I like it instantly lol I drive it around for like an hour. Tell B too bad I can't buy it and tell him i have to get going since i have an early day tomorrow. He offers to drop me home. We get there and he pulls right infront of my gate and as i get out he reaches out and tries to kiss me. I push him off.
What's wrong with men? especially married MEN? for crying out loud sakes', you're married with children and you're still trying to sleep around. This is the second time the damnass has made a pass at me. First time i let it slide. But evidently he still hasn't given up. I have a lot of dignity and self-esteem. I have my own standards and principles that i live,eat and walk. I will not sleep around or go around kissing any man unless i'm married to him, then it's gotta be my husband.Yes, I know i'm different.
And people still wonder why i hang out alone, because i can't take such low-life mannerisms. Ugh makes me want to gag.
Cammon now and am suppossed to believe in marriage and relationships???Singlehood rocks!
Current mood: Disgusted
Song currently playing in my mind: We walk the same line-EBTG
I have every number in my cellphone assigned to a group. Each group has a different ringtone. This helps me know who's calling without even looking. Now I am on the bus-stop waiting on the bus as i talk to my friend on the cellphone. Suddenly my phone makes this beeping sound to indicate an incoming call. It's, B, we haven't spoke since June, so why now? Of course I reject but he calls right back, i reject but he keeps calling back again and again w/o leaving a voicemail. Finally I get irritated and answer. He wants to meet-up show me a car he's selling. I'm not looking into buying a car anymore but common courtesy is good. I agree to meet him up and see it. God knows I don't have the money so this is just for the thrills. I meet him up like an hour later and the ride is the shit and then some. It's even black, just what i like. I like it instantly lol I drive it around for like an hour. Tell B too bad I can't buy it and tell him i have to get going since i have an early day tomorrow. He offers to drop me home. We get there and he pulls right infront of my gate and as i get out he reaches out and tries to kiss me. I push him off.
What's wrong with men? especially married MEN? for crying out loud sakes', you're married with children and you're still trying to sleep around. This is the second time the damnass has made a pass at me. First time i let it slide. But evidently he still hasn't given up. I have a lot of dignity and self-esteem. I have my own standards and principles that i live,eat and walk. I will not sleep around or go around kissing any man unless i'm married to him, then it's gotta be my husband.Yes, I know i'm different.
And people still wonder why i hang out alone, because i can't take such low-life mannerisms. Ugh makes me want to gag.
Cammon now and am suppossed to believe in marriage and relationships???Singlehood rocks!
Current mood: Disgusted
Song currently playing in my mind: We walk the same line-EBTG
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
I hope you dance
I hope u never lose your sense of wonder
What does it take to hope?
Believing that tomorrow will be better than today
That you’ll get a second chance
That you’ll make a difference
You get your fill to eat
But always keep that hunger
Hunger-is the wanting to see more
Feel more
Touch more
Crave/desire/search out/find/hold more
Sometimes hunger hurts more
May you never take one single breathe
for granted
So breathe out and breathe in
And soak it all up
God forbid love ever leave your empty-handed
But if it does,
May it leave you patient and stronger
Willing and wiser, tender and tougher
I hope u still feel small
When u stand beside ocean
Whenever one
Door closes I hope
One more opens
Promise me that u’ll give faith a
Fighting chance
A promise is all about faith
A promise is only as strong
As your own faith in your own self
So when u give your word
In light of your strengths and in spite
Of your weaknesses,
To struggle and follow through
You are doing a beautiful thing
And when you get the chance
To sit it out or dance
I hope dance
Who cares what you sound like with a voice all your own
I hope you never fear those mountains in
The distance
Its crossing your fingers when the map doesn’t make sense, when the compass
Doesn’t know truly north from truly lost, and it’s up to you
to persevere and get to the other side
Never settle for the path of
Least resistance
*Living might mean taking
But they’re worth taking
It’s risky breathing, let alone needing.
Trusting, reaching out. Life is the leap of faith,
The bold declaration of
Loving might be a mistake
But it’s
Worth making
This is really big stuff!
This is the crux of the whole
Love, love, love
You have to love
And if you don’t get love right,
You have to move on
And forgive
And then you have to remember
That you’ve forgiven
Or else you can’t move on.
And If you don’t move on
U’ll surely end up..
Don’t let some
Heart leave you bitter
(and don’t say I didn’t warn you)
When you come close to selling out
You one worth so much
To me, to us, to life as such
Give the heavens above
More than a passing glance
Heaven-a place somehow high above the clouds,
Yet deep inside your soul
A place of complete peace of total, utter happiness
A place greater than the sum of everything you’ll ver be or could ever imagine to be
A place we all want to get to
But just not yet…
And when you get the choice to st out
Or dance
I hope you dance
I hope you dance because
Time is a wheel
Time is a wheel in constant motion
Rolling along us
Tell me who wants to look back on their years and wonder…
Where their years have gone
But I’d also like to think that time and age are cousins-they’re relative.
Who said you have to go by actual miles?
If you didn’t know how old you were, how old would you be?
(me, I’m sticking with eighteen)
I’ll even argue that you can bottle youth
What you store it in is all up to you
(I suggest you heart)
If you can figure out a way to keep
The energy and fire alive
You’ll always stay young
And where there’s youth, there’s hope
Where there’s hope, there’s wonder
Where there’s wonder, there’s faith
Where there’s faith, there’s chance
Where there’s chance, there’s love
Where there’s love, there’s music
And dancing.
So in my heart of heart’s
I hope you dance
I really hope you dance
promise me one more thing:
if tommorrow you wake up feeling
or as if you don’t belong
or faithless
or tired of this world
please remember this
(or just call me)
-NO, it’s not the end
It’s the beginning-
What does it take to hope?
Believing that tomorrow will be better than today
That you’ll get a second chance
That you’ll make a difference
You get your fill to eat
But always keep that hunger
Hunger-is the wanting to see more
Feel more
Touch more
Crave/desire/search out/find/hold more
Sometimes hunger hurts more
May you never take one single breathe
for granted
So breathe out and breathe in
And soak it all up
God forbid love ever leave your empty-handed
But if it does,
May it leave you patient and stronger
Willing and wiser, tender and tougher
I hope u still feel small
When u stand beside ocean
Whenever one
Door closes I hope
One more opens
Promise me that u’ll give faith a
Fighting chance
A promise is all about faith
A promise is only as strong
As your own faith in your own self
So when u give your word
In light of your strengths and in spite
Of your weaknesses,
To struggle and follow through
You are doing a beautiful thing
And when you get the chance
To sit it out or dance
I hope dance
Who cares what you sound like with a voice all your own
I hope you never fear those mountains in
The distance
Its crossing your fingers when the map doesn’t make sense, when the compass
Doesn’t know truly north from truly lost, and it’s up to you
to persevere and get to the other side
Never settle for the path of
Least resistance
*Living might mean taking
But they’re worth taking
It’s risky breathing, let alone needing.
Trusting, reaching out. Life is the leap of faith,
The bold declaration of
Loving might be a mistake
But it’s
Worth making
This is really big stuff!
This is the crux of the whole
Love, love, love
You have to love
And if you don’t get love right,
You have to move on
And forgive
And then you have to remember
That you’ve forgiven
Or else you can’t move on.
And If you don’t move on
U’ll surely end up..
Don’t let some
Heart leave you bitter
(and don’t say I didn’t warn you)
When you come close to selling out
You one worth so much
To me, to us, to life as such
Give the heavens above
More than a passing glance
Heaven-a place somehow high above the clouds,
Yet deep inside your soul
A place of complete peace of total, utter happiness
A place greater than the sum of everything you’ll ver be or could ever imagine to be
A place we all want to get to
But just not yet…
And when you get the choice to st out
Or dance
I hope you dance
I hope you dance because
Time is a wheel
Time is a wheel in constant motion
Rolling along us
Tell me who wants to look back on their years and wonder…
Where their years have gone
But I’d also like to think that time and age are cousins-they’re relative.
Who said you have to go by actual miles?
If you didn’t know how old you were, how old would you be?
(me, I’m sticking with eighteen)
I’ll even argue that you can bottle youth
What you store it in is all up to you
(I suggest you heart)
If you can figure out a way to keep
The energy and fire alive
You’ll always stay young
And where there’s youth, there’s hope
Where there’s hope, there’s wonder
Where there’s wonder, there’s faith
Where there’s faith, there’s chance
Where there’s chance, there’s love
Where there’s love, there’s music
And dancing.
So in my heart of heart’s
I hope you dance
I really hope you dance
promise me one more thing:
if tommorrow you wake up feeling
or as if you don’t belong
or faithless
or tired of this world
please remember this
(or just call me)
-NO, it’s not the end
It’s the beginning-
100 things about me
- I love doing memes
- i talk to myself
- then answer myself
- when am bored i make-up people and have conversations
- i laugh out loud when i remember something funny
- i love laughing
- i love having my space
- i love walking home after darkness settles in
- i like having my feet up
- i try to say a prayer everyday
- i used to go to church each sunday but i stopped
- i don't think going to church is the crux
- i mean i'd love to go to church each sunday but can't right now
- however i still maintain a personal relationship w/God which is all that counts to me
- i make my own cds
- i love pop music
- am no saint
- but i try to be a better person everyday
- right now am pretty sure am not been better than yesterday
- b/c am doing this at work
- i easily get bored
- i love staying in bed
- there's just something about been under the covers
- i obssess about scrubbing my face
- i cannot sleep without pillows, at least 2
- am a bad sleeper
- i attest to 's/he that kneels most stands best' from personal experience
- i love reading novels
- i easily cry
- my cellphone is what keeps most of my relationships or friendships alive
- my hair used to be long, i wonder what happened to it
- i dislike dressing up to go places
- i look forward to going home for only one reason-solitude-
- i hole-up in my room, i love it in there
- i have 12 charm bracelets, they are so beautiful
- i hardly remember my dreams
- am not even sure if i dream in color or not
- i have an ivory bracelet
- a friend i made gave it to me 3years ago
- i have alot of clothes i don't wear
- i don't like going to people's houses
- i don't like it when people don't keep their word
- I got myself a new bible this year
- books are my greatest wealth
- sometime back i made sure i took some amount from each paycheck to buy a book
- I try to do my morning devotion every day
- i have alot of fears
- now i believe love is all the good things
- i love my first name, i really love it
- i have alot of akas
- i really dislike the way one of my profs pronounces it, it drives me crazy, i really try hard to not block my ears b/c i dislike it each time she says it, grrrh
- I don't hate, I dislike
- I know for a fact that God is real
- i dislike confrontations
- i obssess over calories
- some days am really good others am not
- i love candles
- i keep my room neat
- i hardly leave the house before making my bed
- i get homesick spells
- sometimes i forget how far i am from my real home
- until something jolts me back to reality
- and when it sinks i fight not to cry
- most people are kind to me
- i try to be nice to everyone
- am simple
- i love been comfortable
- i wish i could wear my tees, jeans and tennis shoes anywhere
- am glad am not in a dress-up career
- i got a turqoise ring for my 21st birthday but i lost it, i can't find it. I have looked everywhere. I can't help wishing that's its just misplaced. It's been MIA since Jan.
- I wanted to get a tatoo of a guardian angel on my left shoulder blade for my 22nd birthday
- but i won't. i changed my mind. i was going to get it for the wrong reasons. don't ask what.
- a lot of good things have happened this year, so far, am graetful to God.
- though most times things are pretty thick/hard somehow in the end they always work out
- i heard a lovely song about hope on my friend's car. i have to get it.
- I love been different.
- am very antiphotogenic and i don't even try to make it better
- i love tees with messages on them like "i am with stupid" "i am a virgin (this shirt is very old)"
- I love taking long walks
- i enjoy my own company
- simply, i am a loner
- i love who i am
- i nest more than i dream although most times am in bed
- i love sunsets
- i hope to do a euro-trip, i won't let anything stop me unless am helping people
- i'd love to learn how to drive a motorbike then own one
- i believe i can do anything i put my heart to
- i don't care about riches. i want just enough for my family and i and to reach out to others who need help.
- I have a soft spot for orphans. i'd love to start an orphanage after i graduate
- I hope and pray to God i'll keep all lessons i've learnt all my life
- i want to live a legacy
- not as a hero, but just an everyday woman, who does her job the very best she can
- i'd love to write a book about my life
- am a light-sleeper
- i cover my head when i sleep. if i don't i won't sleep.
- I miss my highschool friends
- most of my good friends are boys
- I miss writing letters
- i dislike an alarm clocks sound most
- I find memories in the smallest of things
In the dumps,
Life is what I make it,
Oh moments
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Life is what you make it
Life is beautiful
life is all the good things
but we have to let it be
Life is what we make it
sweet or
about the life we make
Life can be sad
or happy
not everyday of it
but we can try
Try to project less
and write
our gratitude lists
Try to live
a day at a time
making the best of everything
Not want to always be a hero
just an everyday man
doing everything
the best way we can
it's all about what we make it
life is all the good things
but we have to let it be
Life is what we make it
sweet or
about the life we make
Life can be sad
or happy
not everyday of it
but we can try
Try to project less
and write
our gratitude lists
Try to live
a day at a time
making the best of everything
Not want to always be a hero
just an everyday man
doing everything
the best way we can
it's all about what we make it
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