Saturday, September 23, 2006

Friday Enroute Saturday

  1. It's that time of the month again, get yer mind off the gutter, not that one haha, at least not yet, oh well...
  2. the spell is on
  3. i'm so effing homesick
  4. i cried myself home last night. Each footstep of my 3mile walk there was full of tears
  5. sometimes i just let it all go, let it all out
  6. cry just a tad bit to cleanse my soul
  7. so that tomorrow when i need just a tad bit more of energy i can reach deep enough
  8. and find something to fall back on
  9. my inner strength
  10. it keeps me going
  11. i dislike my homesick spells
  12. they linger a while, make me miserable then just
  13. as they came, leave almost unnoticably
  14. sadly i always know they came
  15. they don't kill me, they make me stronger
  16. fridays' are my worst days, at least not as bad as mondays, dude not even close lol
  17. but for whatever reason, fridays are the days i feel most alone
  18. not lonely, nah-ah haha alone
  19. still i live on...
  20. somehow a day at a time. Try to project less and write my gratitude list more
  21. i'm so depressed right now...
  22. where does depression hurt? here, there, er..everywhere
  23. who does depression hurt? everyone

Current Mood: Graetful

Song playing currently in my mind:Who Knew-Pink

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