- How I got this lucky I'll never fathom
- I believe in God's blessings more than luck
- The only reason I like spring is b/c it's not winter. Period
- However, I like winter too. This is b/c I'd rather be cold than hot.
- I feel that I can control the cold by layering up
- But the heat? even if I strip nekkid I'm still hot and the discomfort drives me kukuz
- Don't get it twisted I love summer. Days by the pool, bbqs with friends and ice cold, tall drinks, late nights. I tell ya all the good things happen in summer!
- The only reason I loathe spring is b/c of the pollen and dust that comes with it. I get all clogged, my throat scratchy, my nose congested and runny. You name any allergy symptom and I'm it during spring.
- This spring is no exception
- For the past slightly over two weeks I've been one sick puppy.
- I always self-prescribe
- Y'know what they say about people in the medical field been the worst patients
- Yup that would be me
- Hospitals make me sick. But only when am in one as the patient
- It gets me when I've to go in there and get taken care of
- I'm used to been the care provider
- So anyway I self-prescribed until I realized I was getting worse
- I called my girlfriend who's a nurse and she collaboratively made some suggestions
- Off to the pharmacy I went and home I came laden with different medications to kill the discomfort
- I'm way better today than I've been in the last two weeks
- One night last week I called my dear moms (bless her soul) in tears. I could not fall asleep b/c I was getting SOB (short of breath). Yes, that's how bad my allergens get. Of course moms, being just moms stayed on the phone with me, even said a prayer for me
- The s.o.? I fell in love with him all over again that night. He was so worried and wanted me to go into urgent care but me? I wasn't budging. So he stayed there and repeatedly said a prayer for me over and over. I was feeling very sick. But amidst it all I had this huge grin on my face b/c I mean we pray together but this was different. I was so moved, literally moved. I wanted to feel better just so he'd know his prayers were heard. He was so cute saying it over and over. I listened until I fell asleep. I love, love, love him
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Allergic to Spring
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Easter is here!!!

We make Jesus drag that cross
In our thoughts,
We crucify Him,
We put Jesus back on the cross
with our actions,
We crucify Him
We hammer nails on Jesus' hands
by our words,
We crucify Him,
We put a thorn-crown on His head
by who we are,in our personalities
We crucify Him
We crucify Jesus
again and again
from season to season
Yet, He remains faithful
His grace sufficient
His mercies renewed
His love steadfast
His forgiveness ample
all these given us freely
But for how long can we crucify Him?
What do we do that crucifies Him?
How can we stop it?
Do we even want stop?
Happy Easter to You & Yours and God's blessings!!!
Friday, March 14, 2008
My life in bullets
- Thursday is the best day of my week. It's my night off. It comes before Friday, which just so happens to be my day off
- It's spring time. The pollen, dust and all that good stuff gets me all screwed up. I'm congested. I've a sore throat. I've a cough. A stuffed up nose. My sinus are out of wack. I'm OD'ing on NyQuil, Emergen-C, and generic Sudafed.
- Anything that will take the discomfort I'm subjected to.
- I had a miracle on Tuesday.
- God is real. He is awesome. He is the only person who NEVER disappoints
- ON Tuesday I went from laughing to suddenly crying then back to laughter accompanied by joy unspeakable. All thanks and praise to GOD.
- I can't wait for April.
- I need spring break to get here already
- Since I got my apartment I've been cooking religiously
- Since I got my place I now actually look forward to coming home
- I had my first code blue on Wednesday
- I walked out of my client's room. A minute later a different nurse came looking for me to tell me my client was dead
- Huh? he was a full code
- Never before have I seen so many docs crowded up in a private hospital room
- My moms has got to be not only the most amazing woman but also the best person in the whole wide world over
- My s.o.'s mum is also amazingly awesome
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