Wednesday, July 08, 2009

The joke's on me

this is all too familiar
the deserted pavements
a few people here and there rushing
out of life
late for a coffee date
or to pick up a kid
better still done for the day
the buildings stand tall
as if in eager anticipation
of the return of them all
them who crowd the place
I enter the building
it too not bursting at its seams
only a few people here and there
a few like me
back ups sitting on the floor
pages turning
highlighters coloring the tables
so quiet
I'm distracted by the guy tapping his foot
on the carpeted floor
oh my heart aches at the nostalgia of it all
my soul longs to see the end of it one day


joyunspeakable2011 said...

Feels like the level of disuse we have put on so many thins we do have. We long to have them, then we are off seeking others. So we leave our former wants deserted.

joyunspeakable2011 said...

Feels like the level of disuse we have put on so many thins we do have. We long to have them, then we are off seeking others. So we leave our former wants deserted.

Irena said...

Nice, sad but nice