May God's best blessings find you. May God bless you in your going out and coming in. May He guide and make the footsteps of your path straight. May His light shine on you always. May you live to fulfil all of your hopes and dreams.
I have a boy twin. He's the big brother I have yet still the small brother to me. He is the most adorable and amazing man there is in my life. The brother I sat and wrote to one day in early June when my heart felt unsettled. That brother who sat down on the opposite side of the computer screen and typed back saying what made me happy made him even happier. Urging me to go ahead and do what my heart said. My heart said to leave. I woke and left alright. While everyone else thought I ought to have been a mess I smiled along and just seemed to move along and happily for what it's worth.
When I left I felt relief. No one could understand this. Why, relief? they pondered.
Lately I've been the happiest I've been. Everyone who knows me and even those who don't seem to get drawn into my joy. Not entertaining killjoys. You sail with me if you are as happy and happy.
But today's post is not about me you see but about my twin. He has done all of us proud. And now he is getting sent to the best trip ever as a reward. I just want him to know (and I already told him, one on one) how proud he has done us. How happy we all are of him. How elated we feel by his success. Go, kiddo!!!!
On another high note, today also happens to be the family angel's birthday. And that family angel would be none other than our baby sister. Happy Birthday, Lu!!! May you have many, many more and may you live to be the joyous, innocent, wonderful and cheerful thing you're. Thing and not person because I cannot believe how fast you've grown. In our eyes you'll forever remain our lil sister and baby that we all cherish and adore. Oh how you make us smile and laugh. You cute little thing you.
Ah imtellnya its nothing but joy and happiness lately. I pray it lasts. And because life is just that, life, I well know there will be days when I'll feel low and be down. But, on those days I pray I'll remember my days of joy and happiness and tap strength from them.
As much as this post is not about me, I want to thank my family and friends. Thank you, for standing by me during this year. It's been a trying year since 2008 clocked. It clocked on a snowy and very chilly night for me back East. I braved the night in my little black dress and as much as I had preferred to stay home, here I was out trying to look cheery and wish everyone a happy new year. Now I sit and the song that comes to mind is -Auld Lang Syne- should auld acquaintance be forgot? no they should be brought to mind, I sing along answering myself.
I digress, much gratitude to my family, the Jasso's, Shi and all the other angels God has put in my life. I can never give back what you've given me through this time but I just want you to know I pray for you and wish you only the best.
Heavy Rotation-Auld Land Syne -Frank Sinatra's Irresponsible -Who am I -John Mayer's Continuum -Rock4black (Courtesy of Supaflyshi)