Saturday, June 06, 2009

The angel of death attacks me again

All I seem to write about here lately is death. The spirit of death has loomed over me this year.

Tonight I just found out my good friend from nursing school died in a car accident. She was only 24. Just 24. I mean when did we start going so young? my heart is broken. It was not even about healed from the family tragedy we suffered in March and now this?

In my mind I keep seeing her in class. In class she sat on the right side of the very front row. I sat in the back so I had a pretty good view of her. And now in my mind that's all I see. Her bent over the books trying to find a certain chapter, quickly scribbling notes as the prof blabber mastered on, her fishing for a highlighter in her back pack to highlight the chapters that would be tested on the next exam, her hand up either to answer questions or ask some.

I see her sitting right there next to my other good friend and my heart breaks over and over again. I cannot wrap my head around why her and why so young and why after going through the grueling nursing school? I almost want to say what a waste but then again what will her family and friends say? how they must feel I cannot imagine.

Pray for Kara to rest in peace and for her family and friends to find hope and strength to carry on.

You Only Live Once Make Sure It's Enough